In my opinion it's all about projection and image. If we see people who have a sweet humanity, we will root for them. So I think the answer lies with the entertainment industry. If we are constantly bombarded with narcissist heroes like James Bond and the Bronson hero then people are presented with a very shallow image of masculinity. And I believe this effects a persons outlook on how they view masculinity and femininity.
Another example we have a royal wedding and n T.V, its like a Walt Disney fantazy of how the perfect wedding should be.
I generally believe the T.V is what holds the power of education.
So let's have formal gay marriages complete with male bridesmaids on our T.V screens. Let's have these ceremonies seen not as something to be scorned by the world, but rather:-
A) A marriage that enhances a persons character.
B) A marriage that involves courage and moral choice, rather than to deny the feelings of love that exist between two people.
So to conclude folks, I believe the entertainment industry holds the power to achieve a significant breakthrough in people's attitude on this subject.
The Rebel.